The Devil Wears Prada | Revised Ending

We’ve seen the Zach Snyder Director’s Cut, we’ve seen an entire Sonic film be re-animated by public demand. But what if, during this iconic Hathaway revival era, we reshot the ending of Devil Wears Prada? - I present to you, the ending Andy deserves.

Thank you to Natasha Sequeira for editing, formatting, and adding an unexpected beautiful layer of detail. Looking forward to many opportunities to work together in the future.

Reflections on the AIDS Crisis, in the Age of COVID-19

Our webinar tonight features two lions of the fight against AIDS in the 1980s as they reflect on their experiences in the early days of the AIDS crisis in NYC almost 40 years ago.

Dr. Howard Grossman treated some of the first cases of AIDS being identified during his residency in Brooklyn and afterwards in Manhattan, where he became a go-to doctor for anyone being diagnosed with the disease. Today, he specializes in internal medicine with an emphasis on HIV in south Florida. As a physician, he has treated patients with COVID-19.

Eric Sawyer joined the front lines of a movement that changed the world's response to HIV/AIDS, co-founding ACT UP with Larry Kramer in 1987. He later co-founded Housing Works and Health GAP and advised the NY office of United Nations AIDS (UNAIDS). He was also an architect of the Stonewall 50 Queer Liberation March in NYC last June.

Co-host Mike Balaban spent 30 years in international finance and consulting with an Asia focus. For two decades, Mike has also been dedicated to civil rights and LGBTQ+ causes. In 2017, he co-founded, with Tom Walker, BAMMER Group, consisting of, a website that welcomes first-person stories and images from LGBTQ+ lives globally; @bammer47, his influential Instagram page, featuring personal narratives and images of gay history; and "BAMMER and ME", a podcast series in which he interviews fascinating LGBTQ people he's met, with debut episodes co-produced with Caleb Holland.

Co-host Caleb Holland, a queer documentary and commercial filmmaker, adds a younger generational perspective. Caleb works as a publicity cinematographer and producer on Hollywood productions, including "Boy Erased" (2018), a groundbreaking film about conversion therapy, and "Stranger Things" (2020). In 2017, Holland released "Chasing Capri", his first documentary feature film highlighting the trans rights movement.

Together, we invite you to reflect on the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, as we discuss the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Her Campus Media | #ImStillGraduating

I’m really proud of the work that we achieved (@thewithagency) this week - producing and editing a six-hour, female empowerment focused, virtual commencement for global graduates with a great lineup of performers and speakers. It makes me emotional to think of how the world has changed recently. I think this is a new beginning & a time of reflection for all of us. I can only imagine what graduates must feel right now. - For us social distance on the set, masks, and it is all so strange in so many ways. This is one of the moments I’ll always remember about my quarantine experience.

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caleb holland film crew with agency atlanta

We will be.

As people we are compelled to be heard, to create, dance, express, thank, and come together. We’ll paint without a canvas, we’ll make a stage where there isn’t one, because there’s always an audience waiting. I’d seen these images online & in media, but dove in and found so many I couldn’t believe.

Wove this together, and am still overwhelmed with the beauty of the world & the people in it. Stay strong in these strange and difficult times, and let’s keep doing what we do.

(Thank you for assistant editing, lending your musical talent, & sound mixing @nicallynrogers [IG])

SCAD aTVfest: Alumni bring television to life

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Job: EPK Cinematographer and Producer

For: Stranger Things on Netflix

Caleb likened EPK (electronic press kit) cinematography to his passion for documentary filmmaking. He explained that he works with publicity and is on set “to capture how everything is made from props to set dressing to direction.” Caleb performs interviews with different parts of the crew and gets footage of different scenes everyday. Ultimately, he designs a package that lets viewers “see how their favorite shows and movies are made.”

What do you credit SCAD with in launching your career?

“As an LGBTQ creator growing up in a community where that was not accepted, coming to SCAD was a place for me to be able to feel safe and to be able to become and develop into who I wanted to be. Being able to just be myself creatively and to pursue a career that I’m passionate about has been such a gift.”

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